Tuesday, June 3, 2008


That's the feeling you normally get when you suddenly shift your lifestyle. Away from the carefree bachelor days in Oulu to having to take care of your two kids :-). Well honestly life would never be fun if it remains static, so here am slipping into a parent role again with some discomfort but with a smile on my face remembering all the fun i had in Oulu. Cricket at 8 at night, Vodkas till 5 in the morning, cigarettes on weekends, weekends all week long, cards till you fall asleep, pool till they close.. all this..

One more chapter of life lovingly stored in some corner of my mind. You know things would never be same again.. but then you don't want them to remain same. Happy, crazy memories. I never lived that real bachelors life when you had time, you had money and you didn't have responsibilities.. Life has ways to even things out.. every now and then i live my bachelors days.. though at the cost of wives troubles.. She takes care of the kids.. i me :).

Being a nostalgic kind of guy.. i thought maybe list down some of the things as they come to my mind.

Waiting for weekend to come from Monday morning.. drinking so much so that you want to sleep with the fishes.. umm sorry shoes. Sledging the rookies(Read Ramprasad and Ulhas ) at pool and serious status meetings on Fantasy leagues TP's till the uninterested guys(Read Shyam) ears bled. In depth discussions on all the Nonsense with highly intellectual individuals(Read Mahentesh and Ankit). Bullying the juniors (Read Suman). High quality intellectual discussions on Women and their anatomies..(Read and Ignore this) .

Well all the guys with me.. all of the were at least 5 years junior.. but i guess we did pretty well being buddies.

Here is to starting another unknown chapter in my life..
