Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Been a while

Life takes it toll..or should i say age.. damn it.. still not 34 and am talking of age. The body of late has been contantly reminding me of football matches i have played and every fall thence.. every cricket match and the subsiquent blows. Or I think its just an unhealthy life style of late that i am trying to hide. Plan to hit 65 before next birth.. i was 65 when i was 25 so 35 will tribute to 25 by being 65. I have just crossed 76 .. my highest when the sensex is trying its very best to shed flab. Yes maaan i say it was a lot of flab there.. a lot of hype.. a lot of aggressive banks and conservative businesses when it should have been the other way round. But a coreection every 10 years is something we are used to. But the stress of a 43 year old guy killing himself and his family is something bad. To much of expectations from life as from sensex.. No i don't want to trivialize a death.. but off late we have been going a wrong way in all walks of life. Or is it i have cultivated too much of cynicism...negitivity.. yeah too much of it. But then there is no good news now a days.. even today Dada annouced his retirement.. i didn't knew how to react.. to be happy or be sad.. but i guess forcing people or putting them under so much of pressure so that they retire.. i am against.. one of the great indian captains making an exit. It was due i guess but it should have come from inside him and not forced out of him. But i have an opinion we indians retire too late. The attitude of dying with boots on is not bad.. but trying to keep wearing a boot at 75 is something not very gracefull. A 75 year old chairman of an Indian Engineering Giant still trying to keep his boots on... yeah i know he won TOI business man of the year or something.. but gracefull exits please.. and don't try to blame the situation of having no good leader after you for not retiring.. leader should be cultivated and not killed as compitition becuase you want to stay as chairman at the age of 75. Thats where i have problems with people.. holding on for a little too long and waiting for the boot on your backside..then your feet. Go maan.. play some golf.. or tell your grandkids some story ..