Sunday, April 6, 2008

After the break

The break was because i was at home enjoying my family and another week of a hangover when back in Oulu. Well this time it was not as bad.

Speaking of a hangover just imagine how it would be when you mix tequila and beer and vodka and whiskey and rum on strawberry. Don't DO it. It was done by professionals who don't know why they are having a bump on their head and bruises on their arms the next morning.

Well we are far into spring. Their still light at 8:30. And it snowed in London yesterday. We are screwing up this earth i tell you. forget about your kids and grandkids, prey that it is still livable till the end of your life.

Humans have always been creatures who destroy the place they live in, and have developed an intelligence of denial or instinct of self denial that they aren't doing it. They refuse the accpt thaat a sheet of Antarctica that broke up yesterday was their deeds and would do any damn thing in this world to ensure that they money for the next installment for their 2.5 crore house is payed in time lest they have to sell their fully loaded Tata Safari for that. Take my words your kids are not going to enjoy that house you have so lovingly bought and toiled your backside off. They wouldn't have enough drinking water to survive and the AC in the house would rot of the lack of energy that we have already used up.

Oh how do i long for days when the fathers used to teach their kids the right way to plant the mango seed or the grandma's used clean the wicks of the lamps that will be lit up at night for another round tales from Ramayana.

The romantics at heart are just born in this world to suffer and long for the past...

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