Friday, March 19, 2010

3 Idiots and the Art of fooling the intellectuals

Lets be honest, for me 3 Idiots is "Ham aapke hain kown" for young, educated(especially engineers) ambitious men. Its wrapped up differently, it served in a different plate but in the end it is always a feel good romantic comedy.

With this film i have developed a kind of personal vendetta against Aamir Khan and Raju Hiraani. Aamir khan who preaches don't-run-after-success-but-run-after-excellence, spent 15 or something days travelling in disguise all over India and letting Newpapers and magazines and tv channels documents the trip marketed the film to death as if he has to create gimmicks rather then banking on films excelence to attract audience. Raju Hirani just can't get over his Munnabhai things and his characters and situations are repeated scene after scene in different appearances/situations. They just wear a different wig or a different accent but essentailly the core remains same just look at it closely. The heroine as always is third fiddle with heros sidekicks coming second.

Yeah the film has its message but it is at best a caricature of realities in India. Maybe we need hyperbole everywhere to understand things, maybe understatement is not an Indian thing. Try giving the same answers that that Joshi guy gave in his interview and i gurantee you will fail 10 out 10 chance.I for not once in my entrie 35 years of life or maybe add 55 of my dads too, did i found a single guy like Aamirs character who never used his knowledge to his personal gains. Yeah we had had intelligent, patent scoring guys but they were always VP in some companies or at best President of our country at old age (With all due respect to Dr. Kalam., i am his greatest admirer, but he never taught in a school anytime.). And after all these socialist messages.. umm no i thing there wasn't any socialist message anyway but all that be true to yourself and your passions messages,  the best things that the film is remembered for being the highest grossing movie ever (well they discounted inflation, but that another story). It show that 3.5 million house does matter in the end :-).    

The worst thing i am jealous about the movie is that Raju and company won all awards(i have lost count) for third consecitive time for giving us a another sweet tasting goody goody movie. Hell when will Dev D or  Kameene get their dues.. Or maybe we Indians just like living in a dream world complete with a song and dance sequences..

Play On... 

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