Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bad weekend

Weekend was extremely bad.. i felt miserable again. Got drunk.. with an entire bottle of cognac. Worst part.. got drunk alone.. felt more miserable.. India has a chance to loose tomorrow.. but today was miserable for india as well. Love... never love you cricket team. As they say it hurts big time when something like Sydney happens. But being a rational guy i am predicting a draw that the most likely result. If we manage to loose somehow.. i am going to have another couple of miserable days.

Indian cricket team is just a symbol.. nothing seems to be going right in my life. Am missing my family in a big way. Yesterday saw my 9 months old on cam and couldn't keep hold of myself. What kind of life am i living.. how much of it is worth it.. Is this all right..

Oulu is already touching -16 C today.. seems like the cold weather is getting to me. Was stuffed up the entire day in the house today. Yesterday was kind of OK went out and had some fun with friends. Tried to cheer myself up but the biggest mistake was i brought a bottle of Cognac. Hoping to finish it during the week and then i come home and before i passed out the bottle was empty. From next time i am not going to bring those alcohols back home. Especially when i am alone.

Its 27th Jan and i am still determined to keep my promises made to me during new years resolution i am going to leave this damn company. I am suffering big time. But then there is a bit of good new too. Brought my tickets for Mumbai. Will be spending 10 March days before am back in Oulu with my family. And then 3 more months to go. It feels like those prisoners marking their prison walls to calculate days left :)

Next topic i have decided i am going to put my thoughts on Gulzaar, his films and his poetry. So watch out

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Saare Zameen Par..

Back and So early..

Well something happened this week that if i would have waited the joke would have lost. What happened is related to the headline of the post and i borrowed it from rediff.

This was one of the jokes floating about the share market on Monday.. And i was just in splits. Hats of to the guy who came up with this. It can be about the shares or all the high flying share market investors. Trust me i am also the ones.. but i haven't put in so much money so that i would be prohibited to go near a lake..

On serious note.. it goes on to show couple of things.. First Mumbai’s sense of humor and its capability to laugh at herself. I am sure this joke would have been from one of the guys affected. And second is it never say die spirit.. waking up to live another day. That’s why you never see any lakes or wells or any sea's being closed in Mumbai come what may. The sensex is already on its way up.

On another serious note.. can we trust sensex to be a thermometer of Countries economy, well for now it looks like to be a thermometer of US economy. "Cheenk unhe aayi, razaai ham odte hain". The Chinese never went for their razaai's or gilaaf's. This goes on to show how sensitive this service economy is and how an outer glitter never tells a real story. Farmers are still committing suicide in Maharastra and my town Ambernath still has 6 hours of electricity cuts.

Is there something wrong somewhere... are we walking too fast.. are living on a bubble.. God help no, but yes there are some serious problems which is allowing a select few to enjoy the exclusive luxury while the majority still lives on fringes.

I don't have very organized thoughts on this subject.. but yes i do sense something bad.. or atleast something uncomfortable when i complain about the petrol getting expensive for my car rather then thinking about the food grain prices going north.

Monday, January 21, 2008

To write or to not

The most difficult things in world to do, are the ones that you don't feel like doing. The question is then why do such things.

This is what i was feeling like about this post. Did not have any subject, no desire and maybe no inspiration (even with India winning Perth :-)). But still there are things to be done that you have promised yourself you will do, come rain or storm. That is the motivation to post this another blog even if it is just rumblings of a frustrated mind. I don't want to fail myself again.

I know with lack of motivation and desire the post might just be terribly bore or nonsense but i haven't promised sense every time. Life at most time is same; it doesn't make a lot of sense. You are born, you live and then you go away. Most of us never make a difference to this world and its state in our entire lifetime, so what was the sense of us living in our times, are we wasted life.

Answer: Ask you loved ones. ask your mom, ask your dad, ask you wife, ask your kids. And the answer will tell you why you are here. The answer keeps you going.

Now as before in my rumblings here is the catch-22. You live, you try to work hard, you try to compromise to make them happy. But what if in trying to make them happy, you are making them sad. Well... i never promised sense in this post.

What should i do to keep walking, to post another blog, to fight another day? Well there are promises to keep. That itself is the biggest motivation. Being true to oneself. You need discipline to keep doing that despite any paybacks in short term. That’s what i promised myself.. Have some discipline in life. I think i am learning it a hard way but that is what it was supposed to be. Well anyway whatever it is i want to come out a better person of this. Even a tiny improvement and it would have been worth it.

Wait for my next post for something sensible :-)

Friday, January 11, 2008

Taare Jameen Par

A very late review.. lekin der aaye durust aaye.

Aamir's first attempt at direction and like everybody else.. I admit he did give us a good film.


Having said that.. let me get back to my favorite pastime. Criticizing from my armchair..

Thing i didn't like about the movie though.. was it necessary that the kid should win in the end. I mean when you are talking about not pushing a kid to be a champion and in the end he did end up beating his own teacher. The message is lost. As a parent after watching this movie what i take home is .. "find a field where my kid can win". I am sure Aamir did not intend that.

I know every kid is special, but that does not mean every kid is a winner in some or the other field. A kid is special because they don't give up, they refuse to loose, they are ready for one more try.. I think it would have been a better ending if he is shown having won a race against himself and at least managing to pass. Winning is not about beating somebody. Winning might be standing up against the odds, winning might be winning against oneself, and lots of other things.. You can be defeated but still win.. Think Rocky..I have never heard Gandhi win any competition but wasn't he special. Or think Bhagat Singh, he lost his life but still lives..

Well that was my only complaint about this movie but it did gave me those special moments. Moments like Aamir holding the baby while his mother changes his diapers in the bus, or moments like that Tiwari Sir lying down over his sheet while drawing. Heart warming.

And not to forget the sentimental moments when the parents of the Tulips Kids rushing toward their kids after their performance, or the documentary at the end of the movie while the credits role.

I would not like to repeat good things that are already said about the movie at lot of other places.. they stand true.

Thanks Aamir for a good film.. and sorry i watched the movie illegally on net.. because you didn't release it in Finland.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Umpiring Blunders, Aussie Integrity and Racism

I am not going to take any high moral ground and say we should continue playing the series despite the odds stacked up against us. Sometimes its good to snap.

First and foremost there is no doubt if umpires wouldn't have played their part this game belonged to India. Common look at the number of decisions..
Pointing out at 17 went out to score 51 (He talked about integrity right?)
Symonds stood his ground at 30 and went on to score 168
Symonds again not out when stumped. The umpires simply refused to refer stumping to third umpire.
Hussey was out on i think somewhere in 20s and went out to score 145.
Dravid was haded a shocker (I though cats not monkey has 9 lives)
Pointing and Clark duo cheated and got Ganguli out. And the umpire believed them.

And yes please remember the Melbourn test also. That test was not clean of Aussie misdeeds and umpiring errors too.

Common guys how many more could we have endured and still won. Shame on Aussies.. if anything racist that can alleged on them is that they are a race of cheaters. I mean look at their grandfathers who came and for what they came. So blood still runs true. and then they talk about integrity.

Racism: Do you know why Symonds is monkey.. because of his antics.. Not because for what he is but because of what he does. He wears a monkey makeup and then people get the obvious message. Common in India we call ourselves monkeys when somebody does that. We didn't knew he had a west-indian father till the papers published it. I really thought he was an aboriginal before.

And now the guys who took Africans as slaves just couple of centuries before are calling us racist. Its their collective guilt that now they want to view everyone who says anything to anyone from African decent a racist.

Indians might be many different bad things, but never racist. We might be castist, we might have burned women for dowry, we might have gone through series of inter religious strife but a differentiation of people on their color was not what we do. we have a monkey god. Most of our gods are depicted black in color and then they accuse us racist. We brand people on their behavior and not on what they are. Like yes branding Aussies as cheats seams justified with what they have done on television for us. (Though this genralization might be wrong but atleast it applies to a team 11 for sure). And i am proud to say Symonds is a monkey and please brand me a racist of you like.

What should be India teams respond now:
Abondon a tour: Why not, you can play 11 against 13. Aussies are playing 3 innings to indians 1 and a half. But this would be too sharp an action i guess.
Bring back the current team and send an under 19 team instead for the rest of the tour. Aussies don't deserve the respect of playing our guys.
Or play the searies but oust the unmpires. We should never play with the Bucknor umpiring. He seems to have something wrong against the avians and particularly Indians i guess.

Common its anyway difficult to beat Australian cricket team and you give us this handicap. Give us a fair chance.