Sunday, January 6, 2008

Umpiring Blunders, Aussie Integrity and Racism

I am not going to take any high moral ground and say we should continue playing the series despite the odds stacked up against us. Sometimes its good to snap.

First and foremost there is no doubt if umpires wouldn't have played their part this game belonged to India. Common look at the number of decisions..
Pointing out at 17 went out to score 51 (He talked about integrity right?)
Symonds stood his ground at 30 and went on to score 168
Symonds again not out when stumped. The umpires simply refused to refer stumping to third umpire.
Hussey was out on i think somewhere in 20s and went out to score 145.
Dravid was haded a shocker (I though cats not monkey has 9 lives)
Pointing and Clark duo cheated and got Ganguli out. And the umpire believed them.

And yes please remember the Melbourn test also. That test was not clean of Aussie misdeeds and umpiring errors too.

Common guys how many more could we have endured and still won. Shame on Aussies.. if anything racist that can alleged on them is that they are a race of cheaters. I mean look at their grandfathers who came and for what they came. So blood still runs true. and then they talk about integrity.

Racism: Do you know why Symonds is monkey.. because of his antics.. Not because for what he is but because of what he does. He wears a monkey makeup and then people get the obvious message. Common in India we call ourselves monkeys when somebody does that. We didn't knew he had a west-indian father till the papers published it. I really thought he was an aboriginal before.

And now the guys who took Africans as slaves just couple of centuries before are calling us racist. Its their collective guilt that now they want to view everyone who says anything to anyone from African decent a racist.

Indians might be many different bad things, but never racist. We might be castist, we might have burned women for dowry, we might have gone through series of inter religious strife but a differentiation of people on their color was not what we do. we have a monkey god. Most of our gods are depicted black in color and then they accuse us racist. We brand people on their behavior and not on what they are. Like yes branding Aussies as cheats seams justified with what they have done on television for us. (Though this genralization might be wrong but atleast it applies to a team 11 for sure). And i am proud to say Symonds is a monkey and please brand me a racist of you like.

What should be India teams respond now:
Abondon a tour: Why not, you can play 11 against 13. Aussies are playing 3 innings to indians 1 and a half. But this would be too sharp an action i guess.
Bring back the current team and send an under 19 team instead for the rest of the tour. Aussies don't deserve the respect of playing our guys.
Or play the searies but oust the unmpires. We should never play with the Bucknor umpiring. He seems to have something wrong against the avians and particularly Indians i guess.

Common its anyway difficult to beat Australian cricket team and you give us this handicap. Give us a fair chance.

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